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Print,Press,DTP→Logicsystem : Elemental
Iperf 2.0.2 OSX installer
This package will install iperf on your machine. It will only currently work on MacOS >= 10.4.
It installs the following software in the following paths:
iperf - universal binary (/usr/bin/)
iperf.1.gz - man file (/usr/share/man/man1)
dast.gif - dast logo graphic (/usr/share/doc/iperf)
index.html - html version of the web page (/usr/share/doc/iperf)
ui_license.html - license in html format (/usr/share/doc/iperf)
iperf.pkg - package receipt file (/Library/Receipts/iperf.pkg)
uninstall_iperf.sh - uninstall script for this package (/usr/share/doc/iperf)