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若き艦長の挑戦(Batta mon's War)

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2007-04-02 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目

Hydrochloric Acidを満載して10jump程度の星系を行ったり来たり。片手間にやるには良い距離だね。



[工業製品] Hydrochloric Acid (0.5m3)

A clear, colorless, fuming, poisonous, highly acidic aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, used as a chemical intermediate and in petroleum production, ore reduction, and food processing.


Seller:Amarr:HZO Refinery

Buyer:Amarr:Amarr Navy , Carthum Conglomerate

[組織] HZO Refinery

A small, but aggressive mining company that has concentrated its operation in the highly disputed regions between Minmatar and Ammatar space. Many of these areas are very mineral rich and HZO Refinery has shown a hefty profit in recent years. The company is backed by the Ammatar authorities and the Sarum family, which has given the company the military power it needs to operate safely in this hotly contested space.

会社の規模は小さいですが、AmarrとMinmatarの国境などキナ臭い宙域での採掘に特化した先端企業です。HZO Refineryは最近、そのあたりは鉱石資源が豊富なエリアが多く、莫大な儲けにつながることを気づきました。そこでAmmatar当局とSarum Familyを後ろ盾とし軍事力の提供を受けることで、紛争の絶えない宙域での採掘を安全なものとしています。

[組織] Carthum Conglomerate

The Carthum is a fairly new company that was formed with aid from the Caldari Lai Dai mega corporation, which owns a considerable share in the company. Carthum brought much needed vitality into the stale field of research and development and has been responsible for the respectable hi-tech gadgetry in many recent Amarrian space ships.

Carthum社は、Caldari系メガコーポのLai Daiの資本下から独立した新興企業です。停滞・陳腐化した分野の研究開発へ注力して手に入れた高い信頼性から、近年就航したAmarr系艦船の多くにCarthum社のハイテク機器が搭載されるようになりました。

[組織] Amarr Navy

The Amarr Navy operates under the simple doctrine of applying overwhelming force to any given situation. The Amarr Navy has almost twice as many ships as the next two empire navies put together, though the quality of some of the Amarrian ships are questionable as many of them has not been refitted for decades and are almost obsolete.


2007-04-03 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目



Industry5習得! 採掘船に向けて次はAstrogeologyを習得せねば。そこそこ稼いだらクローンを更新しなきゃ。

[生活用品]  Tobbaco(0.2m3)

Tubular rolls of tobacco designed for smoking. The tube consists of finely shredded tobacco enclosed in a paper wrapper and is generally outfitted with a filter tip at the end.


【とどのつまり、タバコでおk 未来タバコじゃないのが残念です】

Seller:たくさん(Penirgman星系Modern Finances)/Buyer:たくさん(Penirgman星系Quafe Company)

[組織] Modern Finances

The largest investment company in the world of EVE, Modern Finances is a progressive corporation willing to take chances and bet on high risk projects. The company has helped many prominent Caldari companies break out of the Caldari State and establish markets elsewhere, but Modern Finances are also heavily involved in foreign investment, especially in the Khanid Kingdom.

EVE世界でもっとも巨大な投資会社Modern Financesは、積極的にチャンスをつかむこと、ハイリスクな案件に投資することに前向きな企業として知られています。Caldari系有力企業の多くがCaldariから進出する際に援助し、各地で市場の作り上げました。しかし(Caldariだけ相手にしているわけではなく)、特にKhanid Kingdamにおいて他国の投資企業と関係強化を行っています。

[組織] Quafe Company

One of the largest corporations in the world of EVE, Quafe bases its phenomenal success on their extremely popular Quafe drink. But the company operates in many other fields and its power is such that it has a considerable political clout.


2007-04-04 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目



Astrogeologyを習得中。Mining Bargeはどんな感じっかな。

[組織] Theology Council

The last great vestige of the religious sect that once rules the empire, the Theology Council has the same role as the supreme court has in other empires. It also acts a moral police and hunter of heretics, which gives it considerable power within the empire, allowing it to investigate, question and even imprison almost anyone at its whim.

かつて帝国を支配した宗教派閥の最大にして最後の末裔Theology Councilは、他国の最高裁判所と同等の役目を負っています。倫理・道徳統制と異端審問のため捜査権、尋問権を持ち、あまつさえ理由無しに誰でも投獄することができるため、帝国内でかなりの影響力を持ちます。

[組織] Emperor Family

Once a new emperor has been chosen his immediate family is severed from their old royal families and join the remnants of the old emperor's family. The emperor family owns vast estates throughout the empire and wields considerable political power, not the least because it has the ear of the emperor. The wife of the emperor, as well as his mother, have often in the past been the most powerful figures in the empire, controlling the emperor like a puppet behind the scenes.


2007-04-05 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目

JP-Gangでlv3Killミッションにご一緒して参りましたOmen級で! 分からないことやハッキリさせたいことはどんどん話す方がいいね。グルグル回すときは回収にチンタラ時間をかけないとか。気をつけよう。


procurer級Mining Barge艦を買った! 最初はMiner2付けようとしてうまくいかないので、艦船の説明を見たらStrip Minerが設置できるわよ?ってあったんでこれかと気づいて設置。PowerGridとかの艦船別修正がMarket表示には適用されないので紛らわしいな!


[宇宙の艦船] Procurer級Mining Barge艦

The Procurer is the smallest of a ship class designed by the ORE Syndicate to facilitate the advancement of the mining profession to a new level. Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining modules. Coupled with a sizable cargo hold and a goodly drone bay, this makes them extremely efficient ore extraction vessels.

Special Ability: Able to equip Strip Miner and Ice Harvester turrets. 3% better yield for Strip Miners per level.

Procurer級はORE Syndicateの開発した先進的な採掘艦のうち一番コンパクトなモデルです。大きめの船倉に加えてドローン格納庫が用意されているのは実に鉱石採掘船らしい作りと言えます。Mining Barge艦はStrip Minerモジュールの装着を目的とした電子機器が積まれた艦船のことです。

特殊能力:Strip MinerとIce Harvesterを装備可能。またStrip Minerでの採掘量がlvごとに+3%向上

[組織] ORE(Outer Ring Excavation)

A filthy rich corporation that disassociated itself from the Federation when it tried to encroach on the companies riches. ORE operates mainly in the Outer Ring and Cloud Ring regions, where they have mining installations scattered around in hidden locations, grinding out the most valuable minerals on the market.

監査や税に関して社は連邦とは無関係と言い張り、お世辞にも褒められない手法で収益をあげている企業です。ORE社は主にOuter Ring宙域、Cloud Ring宙域で操業していますが、採掘設備などの具体的な場所は秘匿されています。高価な鉱石を市場に供給しています。

【「ふわふわ」@mococoさん http://blog.goo.ne.jp/evemococo/m/200701 を参照のこと。公式バックストーリーでも触れられている企業ですね。株価対策とは別に、採掘系艦船、電子機器、採掘施設等の販売力は充実してるよーな。でもなんで各国正規軍のTagを買ってくれるんだろう…】

2007-04-06 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目

Executioner級Frigate艦を超加速突撃仕様に調整です。Afterburnerm、MicroWarpDriveやOverdrive Injector、NanoFiberをとっかえひっかえして、モノが何もない星間空域でワープアウト、秒速600m台から4000mあたりでカットビ。基準点が無いから加速と速度がよくワガンネ。Tech2装備やTech2艦だともっと速いのかなやぱし!

その後、AfterburnerとOverdrive、capacitor Rechargerを装備して、Smartbomb&Blaster(短距離弾だとoptimal rangeが800mとか)でミッション(1lv)に突入。砲台やDrone群相手に、SiloめがけてOrbit500m設定にして吶喊です。Shield限界ギリギリまで被弾しつつ、ギュンギュン飛び回りながらなんとかクリア。ギリギリまで視点を自艦に接近させて戦闘してるとなんかシューティングみたいでカコイイ。


Penirgman星系小惑星帯で掘り中。Mining Droneが使えるんですが、Procurer級じゃ意味無いというか。1000m3の船倉に増槽付けてもせいぜい1500。堀と生産は別だし、生産キャラの余技としてあきらめるか…

2007-04-08 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目

Thorax級Cruiser艦買った! いやーGallante籍の船体デザインは秀逸だね! Amarrianだけどこればっかりは否定することはできません。まぁこのままだとアレなのでAmarrのミサイルフリゲート艦Inquisitorを輸送船に換装してみたり。

Cash Flow for CapsuleersでThe Devoutと遭遇。途中で退場するなんて、ちょっと演出過剰なヤツだな! Harat Mamtanってのも出てきて「さぁ、仲間になれ」とかなんとか言ってるわけですが。



2007-04-12 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目

「Murderer Brought To Justice」:なんかShazzyrってのとRogue Pirate Escortx3(CL)居たんで、さっさと叩きのめしたよ。


2007-04-13 [J]

[組織] Court Chamberlain

The Court Chamberlain is the right hand of the emperor, wherever he goes the power of the emperor goes with him. He can speak for the emperor, even on delicate matters, and can give orders in the name of the emperor. To some extent, the Court Chamberlain is a mere figurehead, appearing instead of the emperor in many state functions.

Court Chamberlainは皇帝の右腕であり、皇帝の力の代行者です。皇帝のスポークスマンであり、デリケートな案件も公平に扱い、皇帝の名において命令を発することもあります。実際のところCourt Chamberlain自体は単なるお飾りで、国家機関内での皇帝の代わりに過ぎません。

[組織] Civic Court

The secular arm of the Amarrian justice system, the Civic Court has always acted in the shadow of the Theology Council. The Civic Court has often become a pawn in the political machinations of more powerful entities, though in latter years it has managed to stay relatively independent.

帝国の司法組織の世俗部門であるCivic Courtは、常に(宗教・道徳部門の)Theology Councilの影として活動しています。最近は独立性を高めようと努力してはいるものの、高位の組織、人物による政治工作の駒となることが多い部門です。

2007-04-16 [J]

[航宙日誌] Mina Hextor 一人目

生産キャラのOSAKA MOONにしばらく休んでもらって、二垢目の戦闘キャラ誕生。Gallante国籍のDroneマスターとして宇宙に出たモノの、とりあえずFujyamaから仕送りを貰ってDrone以外のプアなスキル群を鍛え中。あと、Gallanteの土地勘がさっぱり無いので超困り気味です。

[組織] Duvolle Laboratories

Duvolle Laboratories is one of these rare companies that focus more on the research than the practical application of their discoveries. Duvolle is engaged in a myriad of R&D, ranging from hi-tech weaponry to nano-robots to cloning equipment.

Duvolle Laboratoriesは発見した技術を応用していくよりも、より研究を推し進める希有な企業です。ハイテク兵器からナノロボット群による物品複製まで、無数の研究開発を行っています。

【雇われ研究機関なのでしょうか? 自社なのか外注でやってんのかちょっと分からず】

2007-04-17 [J]

[航宙日誌] Mina Hextor 一人目

とりあえず1lvのミッションでもやってみるか! とステーションがたっぷりある星系に移動して適当なagentに声をかけたらWorld Colideを斡旋されましたorz

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目

「Whispers in the Dark」を斡旋されたり、Minaに送金したり。やっべ、ちょっと頑張って稼がないと資金が目減りしっぱなし。

[組織] FedMart (Transstellar Shipping)

The largest retail corporation in the world of EVE, FedMart is close to having a monopoly within the Federation, something that is of great concern to the Federal administration.



[組織]  Poteque Pharmaceuticals

Poteque is one of the leading biotech corporations in the world of EVE. In its rich history it has often worked small miracles in discovering or developing cures for a host of human sicknesses. It is currently embroiled in a top secret research project for the Federal government, the result of which should come to fruitition in the near future.



2007-04-19 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目


[航宙日誌] Mina Hextor


[組織] Chemal Tech

Chemal Tech is an established hi-tech company that was at the forefront of electronic warfare technology a few decades back. Though the fortunes of the company have somewhat dimmed since then it still cranks out top quality EW equipment.

Chemal Techは二、三十年前、当時最先端の電子戦機器ハイテク企業として名をあげました。業績に若干かげりはありますが、幸運なことに現在でも最高品質の電子戦機器を製造しています。


2007-04-20 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目

Mina Hextorへの仕送りのため、ちまちまコンボイ仕事。

[航宙日誌] Mina Hextor 一人目

Vexor就役! つってもM級砲塔のスキルがまだなのでアレですし、各種電子機器、駆体・装甲強化、回復周りのスキルも1lvか2lvなので全然ヒヨっこですよ? かろうじてDrone支援機器は充実っつーかFujyamaが使えないものを装備中。


[宇宙の艦船] Vexor級Cruiser艦

The Vexor is a strong combat ship that is also geared to operate in a variety of other roles. The Vexor is especially useful for surveying in potentially hostile sectors as it can stay on duty for a very long time before having to return to base. Furthermore, it is well capable of defending itself against even concentrated attacks.

Special Ability: 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage per level and 10% bonus to drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield per skill level.


特殊能力:Medium Hybrid Turretのダメージ+5%/Lv、DroneのHP、ダメージ、採掘量+10%/Lv

2007-04-23 [J]

[宇宙の艦船] Catalyst級Destroyer艦

Ideally suited for both skirmish warfare and fleet support, the Catalyst is touted as one of the best anti-frigate platforms out there. Faced with its top-of-the-line tracking equipment, not many can argue.

Destroyer Skill Bonus: 10% Bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed and 10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret falloff per level

Penalty: -25% rate of fire for all turrets

Bonus: 50% bonus to optimal range for small hybrid turrets





[艦船装備] 125mm carbide railgun I

The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid ammo types: antimatter, iridium, iron, lead, plutonium, thorium, tungsten, uranium.



[弾薬・炸薬類] Antimatter Charge S

Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of antimatter atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.


[艦船装備] 125mm Light Prototype I Automatic Cannon

This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: carbonized lead, depleted uranium, EMP, fusion, nuclear, phased plasma, photon, or titanium sabot.



[弾薬・炸薬類] Carbonized Lead S

Small Projectile Ammo. This ammo uses is a simple lead slug encased in a hard shell of crystaline carbon. It is fairly cheap and works very well against most armors. Shields, however, are a problem.


[弾薬・炸薬類] Depleted Uranium S

Small projectile Ammo. Very commonly used by Minmatar pilots, this ammo is incendiary and also has great penetration. Just be careful handling it unless you want to wake up with an extra toe on your forehead.



[弾薬・炸薬類] EMP S

Small projectile Ammo. A new technology, this highly advanced ammunition emits a focused EM pulse. Very potent against shields.


[弾薬・炸薬類] Fusion S

Small Projectile Ammo.The destructive power of a fusion warhead is superior to most other projectile warheads available. Has problems penetrating heavy shield systems.


[弾薬・炸薬類] Nuclear S

Small Projectile Ammo. Nuclear weapons are considered by most races to be crude and primitive. However, the Minmatar still favor them over more sophisticated weapons due to the abundance of materials for plutonium production in Minmatar space.



[弾薬・炸薬類] Phased Plasma S

Small Projectile Ammo.This ammo uses a similar plasma containment core as hybrid charges except that it is mounted in a standard cannon shell.


[弾薬・炸薬類] Proton S

Small Projectile Ammo. Emits a focused, high intensity proton burst upon impact. Fairly effective vs. both shields and armor.



[弾薬・炸薬類] Titanium Sabot S

Small Projectile Ammo. This is among the most feared ammunition around. It has excellent penetration. Once the ship's outer layer is penetrated, the core explodes, spraying the interior with a cloud of fragmentation fletchets that cause considerable damage to the vulnerable interior structure.



[訳語・用語] 砲塔

Hybrid Turret:ハイブリッド弾射出砲塔。弾芯と装弾筒が分かれた構造の弾を使う。


2007-04-24 [J]

[航宙日誌] Mina Hextor


2007-04-27 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目


[航宙日誌] Mina Hextor 一人目


2007-04-28 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目

「Save A Mans Career」:知り合いの高官が機密文書盗まれて超困ってる。泥棒は見つけたんで、ボコボコにして文書を取り返してくんね? 警察には話を通しとくし、みたいな話。情報部はどうしょうもないことばっかりやってますな。Theology CouncilはIntelligenceのAgent大杉。

[航宙日誌] Mina Hextor 一人目

「Gone Berserk」:行ってテロリストどもをボコボコにしろ指令。あとから3回ほど(ぐらい?)小隊単位の増援が。残骸浮きまくりなのでSalvageマジおすすめ。

2007-04-30 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目


[航宙日誌] Mina Hextor 一人目
