The last great vestige of the religious sect that once rules the empire, the Theology Council has the same role as the supreme court has in other empires. It also acts a moral police and hunter of heretics, which gives it considerable power within the empire, allowing it to investigate, question and even imprison almost anyone at its whim.
かつて帝国を支配した宗教派閥の最大にして最後の末裔Theology Councilは、他国の最高裁判所と同等の役目を負っています。倫理・道徳統制と異端審問のため捜査権、尋問権を持ち、あまつさえ理由無しに誰でも投獄することができるため、帝国内でかなりの影響力を持ちます。
Once a new emperor has been chosen his immediate family is severed from their old royal families and join the remnants of the old emperor's family. The emperor family owns vast estates throughout the empire and wields considerable political power, not the least because it has the ear of the emperor. The wife of the emperor, as well as his mother, have often in the past been the most powerful figures in the empire, controlling the emperor like a puppet behind the scenes.