Production waste can mean garbage to some but valuable resource material to others.
Fertilizer is particularly valued on agricultural worlds, where there is constant supply for all commodities that boost export value.
The main agricultural company in the Federation, Combined Harvest is conservative and passive in nature. It operates solely within the Federation and has no aspirations to muscle in on other markets. However, it is extremely paranoid about its own market share and is willing to go to any length to protect it.
連邦最大手の農業企業Combined Harvestは、実に保守的で受動的です。なにしろ連邦の農業分野において独占的事業を行っているにもかかわらず、他国の市場へ進出する予定は全く無いのですから。しかしながら、国内での市場シェアに関して驚くほど偏執的で、どんなことをしても護るつもりです。
The Amarrians have whole planets dedicated to food production, the populous state has bitter experience from famine and wants to make sure it never experiences famine again on a large scale. Nurtura is one of the larger Amarrian agricultural companies, one that has been in the forefront of exporting basic foodstuff to the other empires.
GW中は溜まったビデオを見るためにトレード中心。BattleshipスキルとLarge Energy Turretスキルを習得、Battleshipのエントリー艦も買える程度の資金が貯まったものの、保険やトレード資金を考えるとまだ買えません。でも戦艦買って、3lvミッションを回すほうがええんかな。それか、LowSecへ行商。
The official new agency of the Amarr Empire, the only one that is sanctioned to report from the royal court. Though Amarr Certified News lack some of the independence that news agencies in the other empires enjoy, actual cases of censorship are few and far between.
A low-profile, conservative construction company that likes to keep out of the lime-light. Amarr Constructions had its heyday when the Amarrians were first entering space and participated in the construction of the first star gates. The innovative side of the company is long gone, though it still retains much of its old power and majesty.
腰が低く保守的、注目を浴びることを避けたがる建設会社です。アマール人が宇宙へ進出し、最初のスターゲート建設に参加したあたりがAmarr Constructionの全盛期でした。AC社の革新さ、新しさはすでに遠い昔の話ですが、いにしえからの権力と格式は未だ健在です。
Genolution is the leading cloning company in the world of EVE. Not only was it the first company to start offering clones to the public, but since then it has improved the cloning technique considerably, paving the way for others to follow in their footsteps.
Inner Circle is the top level department of CONCORD. The policies of CONCORD are discussed and decided on Inner Circle meetings, which are usually closed to the public. At first the members of the circle were nominated by the empires, but now they rise from the ranks of CONCORD employees. Thus, their loyalty is no longer bound to any one empire, but rather to CONCORD itself.
Inner CircleはCONCORDの上層部、意思決定機関です。CONCORDの方針はInner Circle内で議論し、決定しますが、世間に公表されることは多くありません。最初のメンバーは各国から選出されましたが、現在ではCONCORD内で昇進した人間によって構成されています。そのため、現在ではどの国にも縛られることもなく、CONCORD自体に忠誠を誓っています。
Antibiotics are in constant demand everywhere and new, more potent versions, are always made available to counter the increased immunity of bacteria against antibiotics.
A biotech company founded by the eccentric Todo Kirkinen, the first man to have his mind transferred into a machine. Zainou has from its inception been at the forefront of bio-chemical and nano-mechanical research, its headquarters are described as a combination of a mad scientist's lab and a jungle zoo.
【Todo Kirkinenが実権を握ってるわけじゃないのね(CEOが違う)】
This image processor implanted in the occipital lobe grants a bonus to a character's Perception.
This image processor implanted in the temporal lobe Grants a bonus to a character's memory.
【Memory augmentation=記憶力増加】
A Data processing unit implanted in the Parietal lobe. Grants a bonus to Willpower.
【Neural boost=神経強化】
This grafted subprocessor implanted in the frontal lobe grants a bonus to a character's Intelligence.
This image processor implanted in the parietal lobe grants a bonus to a character's Charisma.
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
The mighty Armageddon class is the main warship of the Amarr Empire. Its heavy armaments and strong front are specially designed to crash into any battle like a juggernaut and deliver swift justice in the name of the Emperor.
Special Ability: 10% bonus to Large Energy Turret capacitor use and 5% Large Energy Turret rate of fire per level.