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若き艦長の挑戦(Batta mon's War)

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2007-04-02 [J]

[航宙日誌] Fujyama Samrai 二人目

Hydrochloric Acidを満載して10jump程度の星系を行ったり来たり。片手間にやるには良い距離だね。



[工業製品] Hydrochloric Acid (0.5m3)

A clear, colorless, fuming, poisonous, highly acidic aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, used as a chemical intermediate and in petroleum production, ore reduction, and food processing.


Seller:Amarr:HZO Refinery

Buyer:Amarr:Amarr Navy , Carthum Conglomerate

[組織] HZO Refinery

A small, but aggressive mining company that has concentrated its operation in the highly disputed regions between Minmatar and Ammatar space. Many of these areas are very mineral rich and HZO Refinery has shown a hefty profit in recent years. The company is backed by the Ammatar authorities and the Sarum family, which has given the company the military power it needs to operate safely in this hotly contested space.

会社の規模は小さいですが、AmarrとMinmatarの国境などキナ臭い宙域での採掘に特化した先端企業です。HZO Refineryは最近、そのあたりは鉱石資源が豊富なエリアが多く、莫大な儲けにつながることを気づきました。そこでAmmatar当局とSarum Familyを後ろ盾とし軍事力の提供を受けることで、紛争の絶えない宙域での採掘を安全なものとしています。

[組織] Carthum Conglomerate

The Carthum is a fairly new company that was formed with aid from the Caldari Lai Dai mega corporation, which owns a considerable share in the company. Carthum brought much needed vitality into the stale field of research and development and has been responsible for the respectable hi-tech gadgetry in many recent Amarrian space ships.

Carthum社は、Caldari系メガコーポのLai Daiの資本下から独立した新興企業です。停滞・陳腐化した分野の研究開発へ注力して手に入れた高い信頼性から、近年就航したAmarr系艦船の多くにCarthum社のハイテク機器が搭載されるようになりました。

[組織] Amarr Navy

The Amarr Navy operates under the simple doctrine of applying overwhelming force to any given situation. The Amarr Navy has almost twice as many ships as the next two empire navies put together, though the quality of some of the Amarrian ships are questionable as many of them has not been refitted for decades and are almost obsolete.

