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若き艦長の挑戦(Batta mon's War)

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2007-09-03 [J]

[組織] Ministry of War

The Ministry of War wields extensive powers within the Amarr Empire through their control of the armed forces. The Ministry of War is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the Amarrian military and space navy, and it also has a great say in the foreign policy of the empire.


[組織] Ministry of Assessment

The Ministry of Assessment is responsible for surveying and exploring the solar systems in and near Amarr space, charting lucrative asteroid belts and planets. It is also responsible for monitoring the mining activity in these same areas and organizing the mining operations of Amarrian companies.


[組織] Ministry of Internal Order

The Amarr authorities have vast experience in molding their citizens as they want. The Ministry of Internal Order is responsible for hunting down disgruntled elements in the society and eradicating them. Since first contact the Ministry of Internal Order is also responsible for monitoring the activities of foreigners within the Amarr border, especially Minmatar terrorist cells.


[組織] Amarr Trade Registry

The Amarr government seeks to control as many aspects of the daily life of its citizens, especially everything that has to do with trade and communication. The Amarr Trade Registry has records of all transactions within Amarr space and also monitors all foreign trades and investment made within the empire.


[組織] Ardishapur Family

The Ardishapur family is the traditionalists of the royal families. They are conservative and champions of the Amarrian religion. Their domain is in many ways backward, but it is stable and secure.


[組織] Hedion University

Hedion University is located in the Hedion system - the first solar system colonized by the Amarrians after their own. The university was founded by spirited and liberal scholars free from the scrutinizing eye of the emperor and his theologians.


[組織] The Imperial Academy

The Imperial Academy is rooted in tradition and generally considered sub-par to the more modern military institutes found in the other empires. However, it is the only one of its kind within the Amarr Empire, thus serving a vital function.


2007-09-04 [J]

[組織] The Servant Sisters of EVE (SOE)

The Sisters of EVE are a humanitarian aid organization that is based on religion. The Sisters operate many stations outside empire space where weary travelers can seek refuge. SOE is also engaged in a scientific research project on the EVE gate, which they consider to be the gateway to heaven and are determined to unlock its secrets.

The Sisters of EVE(SOE)は宗教的人道支援組織です。国家の勢力圏外に多くのステーションを所有、運営しており、旅行者はそこで安全に体を休めることできます。SOEはEVEゲートに関する研究を進めており、ゲートの秘密を解き明かすことで天国への門が開かれると信じています。

[組織] Food Relief

Food Relief is the humanitarian aid arm of the Sisters of EVE. The company collects donations from all over the world of EVE and uses them to buy food and medicine, which it then distributes to those in need.

Food ReliefはSOEの人道支援実行部門です。宇宙中で支援金を集め、食料や薬品を買い、必要な人々に与えています。

[組織] The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is the center of the science research the Sisters are undertaking on the EVE gate. It also acts as a typical refuge haven as all other SOE stations, but this activity is secondary to its scientific pursuits.

The SanctuaryはSOEの研究開発部門で、EVEゲートを担当しています。ほかの全てのSOEステーションと同じように標準的な避難所としての機能を持ち合わせていますが、実際には研究が優先となります。

[組織] Society of Conscious Thought

The Society was formed several centuries ago by a Jovian as a spiritual institution. Since then it has taken on many guises, but today it is mainly known for its excellent schools, which it operates in remote areas around space. These schools are considered the best in the world of EVE and parents everywhere fight to get the children admitted.

The Societyは数世紀前にJovianの精神的な拠り所として組織されました。以来さまざまな形をとってきましたが、現在では主に既知宇宙の辺境にあるエリート校として知られています。宇宙最高の学校とみなされており、子息を入学させるため親はそこらじゅうで争っています。

2007-09-12 [J]

[航宙日誌] Mina Hextor 一人目

Angel Extravaganzaの最終層に突入してDominix沈めたorz

AltのDroneスキルだけキャラ&T1装備ではあたりまえのように回復間に合いません! おとなしくFujyamaのミッションTank艦とOsakaのサポート艦で支えつつって手法にしときゃよかった!
