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若き艦長の挑戦(Batta mon's War)

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2007-10-10 [J]

[組織] CBD Corporation

The CBD Corporation is one of the biggest export/importer in Caldari space. The corporation has established trade links far and wide, with huge amount of goods in constant fluxuation.


[組織] Mercantile Club

The Mercantile Club has grown from being a simple gentleman's club into a full fledged political entity, such are the peculiarities of the Caldari governmental apparatus. The Mercantile Club is a meeting place for diplomats, business men, CEOs and politicians to make deals and discuss matters of the state.

Mercantile Clubは、それがカルダリの公的機関の特色であるように、小さなの社交クラブからスタートし完全な政治団体へ変貌した組織です。外交官、実業家、CEO、政治家といった面々が取引したり、国家的案件について話し合う場所となっています。

[組織] House of Records

The fragmentation of the Caldari government has often proved to be problematic when it comes to documenting events, deals and communications. The House of Records was set up by the Caldari mega corporations to act as a central source for all this information. Information on all transactions, business deals and governmental involvements within the State must be sent here and are stored in huge data banks.

カルダリ国の政府機関の分散状態(#中央政府がないため)は、通商・通信の記録に関する問題を引き起こしていました。カルダリの大企業群はそれらの情報を集約するためHouse of Recordsを創設しました。すべての商取引情報と、国内での政府機関の活動記録は必ずここに送られ、巨大なデータバンクに蓄積されています。

[組織] Caldari State

The Caldari State is ruled by several mega-corporations. There is no central government to speak of - all territories within the State are owned and ruled by corporations. Duty and discipline are required traits in Caldari citizens, plus unquestioning loyalty to the corporation they live to serve. The corporations compete aggressively amongst themselves and with companies outside the State, resulting in a highly capitalistic society.


[組織] Home Guard

Home Guard is the police and security arm of the Kaalakiota mega corporation. As the mega corporations only trust each other so much, they all have their own police force to guard their properties.

Home GuardはKaalakiota社の警察・治安維持部隊です。他社を信用するほどお人よしなメガコーポなどおらず、すべての会社が資産を守るための警備部隊を所有しています。


Peace and Order Unit→Sukuuvestaa

Spacelane Patrol→CBD

Corporate Police Force→Hyasyoda

Ishukone Watch→Ishukone

Lai Dai Protection→Lai Dai

Internal Security→NOH

[組織] Caldari Navy

The Caldari Navy is smaller in personnel and total ships than both the Federation Navy and the Amarr Navy, yet they have more battleships than any other fleet and the average age of the Caldari ships is considerably less. This is because the Caldari are constantly replacing their oldest ships with newer ones, with better hi-tech equipment. The strategic doctrine of the Caldari Navy is simple: to be able to defeat any other navy in the world. Most experts believe it is.


2007-10-11 [J]

[組織] Minmatar Republic

The Minmatar Republic was formed over a century ago when the Matari threw out their Amarrians overlords in what is known as the Minmatar Rebellion. The Matari had the support of the Gallente Federation and to this day, the two nations remain close allies. Yet, only a quarter of the Matari people reside within the Republic. The rest are scattered around the world, including a large portion still enslaved within the Amarr Empire. Minmatar individuals are independent and proud, possessing a strong will and a multitude of tribal traditions.




[組織] Gallente Federation

The Gallente Federation encompasses several races, the Gallenteans the largest by far. The Federation is democratic and very liberal in a world full of dictators and oligarchies. The Caldari State was once part of the Federation, but a severe dispute resulted in their departure and a long war between the Gallente Federation and the Caldari State. The Gallenteans are the masters of pleasure and entertainment and their rich trade empire has given the world many of its most glorious and extravagant sights.




[組織] Jove Empire

The Jove Empire is isolated from the rest of the world to all but a selected few. The Jovians are a mystery to the other races, fueled not only by their elusiveness, but also their highly advanced technology, eons ahead of the other races. The Jovians have been civilized longer than any other race in the world of EVE and have gone through several golden ages, now long-since shrouded in the past. The current Jovian Empire is only a pale shadow of its former self, mainly because of the Jovian Disease - a psychological disorder that is always fatal.



[組織] CONCORD Assembly

CONCORD is an independent organization founded a century ago to facilitate negotiations between the races to improve relations, as well as to foster inter-stellar trade through policing and regulations. Starting as a fledgling meeting ground for diplomats CONCORD has in the decades since it was founded slowly increased its power and influence. It has become an entity independent of the races, as it is able to largely fund its own operation through customs, confiscation of contraband goods, and other means.


[組織] The Society

The Society of Conscious Thought is three centuries old and was founded by a Jovian named Ior Labron, who was in search of spiritual enlightenment. The Society has since then taken many guises and been anything from a religious sect full of hermits to a political institute playing the power game. Today, the Society is mainly known for their scholastic achievments, their schools are widely regarded as the best ones in the world of EVE and rich and influential parents everywhere fight to get their kids admitted. Offering large sums of money is, however, no guarantee for admittance, as the Society has its own peculiar selection process that seems to have little rhyme or reason to outsiders. The Society operates in remote areas, where they build strongholds called kitz. Not all kitz are schools, some are still devoted to spiritual enlightenment or scientific pursuits.

The Society of Conscious Thoughtは300年前、精神的悟りの探究のためにJove人Ior Labronが創立しました。The Societyはこれまで数多くの姿形をとってきました。それこそ権力闘争のための政治団体や隠者の集う宗教結社まで様々です。現在は学究機関として知られており、EVE宇宙における最高の学校として広く認識されています。裕福で権力を持つ両親は子供を入学させるためにそこかしこで戦っています。しかしながら、大金を積み上げても入学させることはできません。外部の人間には大した理由に見えない、独特の選別法を使っているからです。


2007-10-12 [J]

[組織] Thukker Tribe

The Thukker tribe is one of the seven original Minmatar tribes. After the Minmtar Rebellion the Thukkers left Minmatar space and took up the nomadic lifestyles of their ancestors, only this time in space. The closest thing they've got to home is the Great Wildlands region, where they are very numerous, but the Thukkers like to be on the move, constantly going from one solar system to another in their huge caravans, trading and scavenging. Respectable citizens of EVE frown upon the Thukkers, considering them to be nothing but scoundrels and thiefs. Indeed, the Thukkers often operate on the shadier side of the law, but their resourcefulness and diligence count a lot more for their success than their criminal activities.

Thukker氏族はMinmatar7支族の一つです。『Minmatarの反逆』ののち、氏族はMinmatar領内に残りました。そして先祖と同様の遊牧生活を(宇宙空間においてですが)始め、現在まで続けています。彼らにとっての故郷は氏族民が多数住んでいるGreat Wildlands宙域が一番近いかもしれませんが、実際にはあっちの星系からこっちの星系へと巨大なキャラバンで商売やゴミ漁り(失礼)をしながら移動し続けています。


[組織] The InterBus

The InterBus is one of the more successful joint ventures the empires have undertaken. It was formed some 30 years ago to act as a neutral passenger transportation company that would span the entire known world. Since then it has evolved a bit, especially when it started to ferry goods too. The InterBus is used by the SCC to ferry goods between stations, as they are reliable and operate in every station in the world. As InterBus has to operate not only in empire stations, but also in pirate havens and other stations associated with organized crime, the company has to uphold a very strict policy regarding neutrality and secracy(secrecy). Even if the company is owned by the empires, no information regarding to shipments or station locations is ever given out. The strict adherence to these rules has allowed InterBus to operate without harassment in every corner of the world of EVE, making them one of the pillars of the inter-stellar community.

InterBus社は国家から委託された合弁事業で最も成功しているひとつです。30年ほど前、中立普遍をもって既知宇宙内で旅客業務を行う企業として設立されました。そのころと比べ、特に物資輸送を始めた点で少し進歩しました。SCC(Secure Commerce Commission)からステーション間の物資輸送を請け負っており、信頼と実績は折り紙付きです。また、各国家の宙域内だけでなく海賊領内や犯罪組織の所有ステーションでも運行するために、中立性と秘密保持に関して極めて厳しい方針で操業しています。実際、会社は各国の出資でなりたっていますが、積み荷やステーションの位置に関する情報は一切漏らしません。この厳しい規則遵守によって宇宙中どこでも邪魔されずに操業でき、それがInterBus社が星間文明の担い手の一つと呼ばれるゆえんです。

2007-10-15 [J]

[組織][背景] Secure Commerce Commission

The world of EVE is moving ever closer to a fully integrated market economy, where the thousands of inhabited planets, moons, asteroids and their accompanying space stations are able to do business on a galactic scale. Today the world is divided into numerous market regions, most spanning several constellations. Wares being sold or sought after within the market region are accessible for trade anywhere within the region. The cornerstone of the market economy is the inter-stellar communication method coupled with a reliable and efficient way for striking a deal over long distance.

Before instantaneous communication from one star to another came into being, trading over long distances (between solar systems) was hazardous and time-consuming. Frauds and swindlers were in abundance, making trades with strangers highly risky. The time it took to find out what stations in nearby solar systems had on offer or demanded, plus the time it then took to strike a deal and ship the products to and fro, stifled space commerce so much that it was almost non-existent. Only the adventures were willing to risk their assets and even their lives by pursuing space trading, but the potential riches involved urged people on and made them yearn for a quicker, easier way to do business between the stars. Thus, once inter-stellar communication devices arrived they spread out like an epidemic and inter-stellar commerce quickly followed in their wake.

At first, inter-stellar commerce was conducted in a haphazard sort of way, giving the frauds ample opportunities to cash in on the optimistic and naïve traders. It quickly became clear that instant communication between solar systems alone could not keep commerce clean. Every empire responded on their own, setting trade regulations, hiring special commerce inspectors and setting up secure trade houses. These efforts managed to create a fairly safe trade environment.

But once constellations and other regions started to set up a regional market network, where traders were able to view everything for sale anywhere in the region and put their own items up for sale, there arose the need for a centralized agency responsible for inter-stellar commerce. This is where the SCC - Secure Commerce Committee - came into being. As a division within the CONCORD the SCC is jointly run by the empires and thus ensures a safe and universally regulated trade environment. A joint initiative of the Minmatar Republic and the Jovian Empire have also ensured that the SCC, although under the control of the empires through the CONCORD, acts under the strictest neutrality codes, the same as the InterBus and other empire-run institutions. This is to ensure that all dealings are not only secure, but also secret, with no chance of governmental interference. The unfortunate by-product of this is that those acting on the wrong side of the law can just as easily do business with each other as anyone else.




しかし星域間、宙域間での地域市場網が始まると、宙域のどこで何が売られているのか、売りに出した商品がどこにあるのか知るために、星間貿易の中央機関の必要性が叫ばれるようになりました。その機関がSCC(Secure Commerce Commitee)です。大国は共同で、急いでCONCORDの一部門としてSCCを立ち上げ、安全の保証と、貿易環境の一般的なルールを策定しました。Minmatar共和国とJovian帝国は両国主導で、大国の強い影響下にあるはずのCONCORDを通じSCCを保証しました。InterBusや同様の国家間組織と同じような厳しい中立規定があります。すべての取引について安全だけでなく機密も守り、各国の関与の余地が無いよう保証しています。ただし、これには良くない副産物があります。誰とでも法の抜け穴に基づく取引が簡単に出来てしまうのです。