Genolution is the leading cloning company in the world of EVE. Not only was it the first company to start offering clones to the public, but since then it has improved the cloning technique considerably, paving the way for others to follow in their footsteps.
Inner Circle is the top level department of CONCORD. The policies of CONCORD are discussed and decided on Inner Circle meetings, which are usually closed to the public. At first the members of the circle were nominated by the empires, but now they rise from the ranks of CONCORD employees. Thus, their loyalty is no longer bound to any one empire, but rather to CONCORD itself.
Inner CircleはCONCORDの上層部、意思決定機関です。CONCORDの方針はInner Circle内で議論し、決定しますが、世間に公表されることは多くありません。最初のメンバーは各国から選出されましたが、現在ではCONCORD内で昇進した人間によって構成されています。そのため、現在ではどの国にも縛られることもなく、CONCORD自体に忠誠を誓っています。