Production waste can mean garbage to some but valuable resource material to others.
Fertilizer is particularly valued on agricultural worlds, where there is constant supply for all commodities that boost export value.
The main agricultural company in the Federation, Combined Harvest is conservative and passive in nature. It operates solely within the Federation and has no aspirations to muscle in on other markets. However, it is extremely paranoid about its own market share and is willing to go to any length to protect it.
連邦最大手の農業企業Combined Harvestは、実に保守的で受動的です。なにしろ連邦の農業分野において独占的事業を行っているにもかかわらず、他国の市場へ進出する予定は全く無いのですから。しかしながら、国内での市場シェアに関して驚くほど偏執的で、どんなことをしても護るつもりです。