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若き艦長の挑戦(Batta mon's War)

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2007-10-12 [J]

[組織] Thukker Tribe

The Thukker tribe is one of the seven original Minmatar tribes. After the Minmtar Rebellion the Thukkers left Minmatar space and took up the nomadic lifestyles of their ancestors, only this time in space. The closest thing they've got to home is the Great Wildlands region, where they are very numerous, but the Thukkers like to be on the move, constantly going from one solar system to another in their huge caravans, trading and scavenging. Respectable citizens of EVE frown upon the Thukkers, considering them to be nothing but scoundrels and thiefs. Indeed, the Thukkers often operate on the shadier side of the law, but their resourcefulness and diligence count a lot more for their success than their criminal activities.

Thukker氏族はMinmatar7支族の一つです。『Minmatarの反逆』ののち、氏族はMinmatar領内に残りました。そして先祖と同様の遊牧生活を(宇宙空間においてですが)始め、現在まで続けています。彼らにとっての故郷は氏族民が多数住んでいるGreat Wildlands宙域が一番近いかもしれませんが、実際にはあっちの星系からこっちの星系へと巨大なキャラバンで商売やゴミ漁り(失礼)をしながら移動し続けています。


[組織] The InterBus

The InterBus is one of the more successful joint ventures the empires have undertaken. It was formed some 30 years ago to act as a neutral passenger transportation company that would span the entire known world. Since then it has evolved a bit, especially when it started to ferry goods too. The InterBus is used by the SCC to ferry goods between stations, as they are reliable and operate in every station in the world. As InterBus has to operate not only in empire stations, but also in pirate havens and other stations associated with organized crime, the company has to uphold a very strict policy regarding neutrality and secracy(secrecy). Even if the company is owned by the empires, no information regarding to shipments or station locations is ever given out. The strict adherence to these rules has allowed InterBus to operate without harassment in every corner of the world of EVE, making them one of the pillars of the inter-stellar community.

InterBus社は国家から委託された合弁事業で最も成功しているひとつです。30年ほど前、中立普遍をもって既知宇宙内で旅客業務を行う企業として設立されました。そのころと比べ、特に物資輸送を始めた点で少し進歩しました。SCC(Secure Commerce Commission)からステーション間の物資輸送を請け負っており、信頼と実績は折り紙付きです。また、各国家の宙域内だけでなく海賊領内や犯罪組織の所有ステーションでも運行するために、中立性と秘密保持に関して極めて厳しい方針で操業しています。実際、会社は各国の出資でなりたっていますが、積み荷やステーションの位置に関する情報は一切漏らしません。この厳しい規則遵守によって宇宙中どこでも邪魔されずに操業でき、それがInterBus社が星間文明の担い手の一つと呼ばれるゆえんです。
